Longmont's Oldest Organic Community Garden
We will have tentative community work share dates at Second Start Community Garden and will also have a list of individual work share tasks to keep our gardeners safe. Please follow COVID19 safety measures during group work share dates.
What is work share?
Work share is how the garden handles routine maintenance and enhancements to the community areas of the garden. Work Share Coordinators manage the season specific tasks we encounter. Gardeners commit to work 8 hours of work share for each plot they rent each season. Work share is also a good way to meet and chat with other gardeners while tending to shared tasks. Having said that, if you're not feeling sociable, there are plenty of tasks you can complete on your own time--just remember to record your hours.
Why is work share required of me?
Work share hours are used to fund the labor required to keep the garden looking well, functioning smoothly and improving over time.
Can you give me an example of work share tasks?
Maintaining community flower beds
Cleaning and organizing a shed
Turning compost piles
Managing the compost pile schedules
Tree pruning
Weed whacking
Weeding common pathways
Chipping pathways
Occasional special projects like rebuilding the compost bins or working in the orchard.
Water taps management
Setting out City of Longmont trash and Compost Bins for pick-up (& retrieving them as well)
Creating signage
Plot reviews
Designing big projects
We have many projects needing attention this coming year, big and small contributions to the garden. As part of your work share requirements (8 hours per plot), you can sign up for work share tasks that most fit your abilities and schedule.
Can I contribute work share on non-work share days?
If your schedule does not fit our work share schedule, ask the Coordinator for a specific task (remember to document your time in the log book)
How do I sign up for a work share date?
A few days prior to a work share, one of the work share coordinators will send out an email notifying you of the upcoming work share. You can sign up here.
Where is the work share log book kept? Can I log my hours online?
Work share books are kept in each of the sheds. If you have a garden on the east side, your work share book will be in the east side shed in the door. Same goes for west side gardeners. If you would prefer to log them online, please enter your hours here.
How can I sign up as a Work Share Coordinator?
The work share coordinators send out an email periodically recruiting leaders for each work share date. Two leaders are recruited for each date or the work share is canceled. The two leaders are one experienced, knows their way around the garden person and another less, experienced but willing person. These two are the point persons for the work share. If you'd like to sign up to lead a work share, email the Work Share Coordinator.
SSCG is a 100% volunteer managed garden - community hours contribute to the well-being of the group.